Home Newsletters October Update: Coupons & Gift Cards are here!

October Update: Coupons & Gift Cards are here!

Ingvar Gudmundsson
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We genuinely love what we do and are continuously improving the system so that you will love it as much!

Here’s what’s we’ve been up to.


Finally here

We are happy to share that we finished testing the new Coupons & Gift cards feature and launched it TODAY! This way you can dazzle and delight your customers this upcoming holiday season. Take a look at how you can use promotion and gift cards on your dashboard.


Time Zone variable:

We have introduced a new variable for the notification system. Now you can include outgoing notifications and reminders to your clients in which timezone they made the booking. That way clients will see if the timezone is not correct and can let you know so you’ll be able to set it to the right timezone.

Password Security Enhanced

This is a new FREE SimplyBook.me custom feature we launched last week. It allows the system admin of the scheduling software to set the password policy for both system users and clients in details. The user can decide on password requirements such as minimum password length, upper and lower case characters, digits and or special characters, and if company or user/clientname is allowed. Additionally, the system admin can decide what happens if there are x many attempts using a wrong login. The system can then be closed for further login from this user/client for a certain time duration. Read more about Password Security Enhancement

Admin optimization

Have you noticed how fast your booking page has been loading? A few important tweaks were made to the system to improve speed and user experience.

SimplyBook.me is growing

As we continue to grow, we have been expanding our team considerably this fall. Two new marketing managers and two salespeople in Taiwan joined us. Additionally, a new security manager works to make sure all security related issues are dealt with in a professional way.

Do you have any suggestions on how to make SimplyBook.me better?
Let us know in the comments!

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