Home Business Types Dance Studio Scheduling Software: GetApp Category Leader
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Dance Studio Scheduling Software: GetApp Category Leader

Amie Parnaby
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Dance Studio Scheduling Software: GetApp Category Leader - We're in the Top 10

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It’s thrilling to discover that SimplyBook.me has been named a Category Leader* in Dance Studio Software by GetApp.

New booking apps and plugins are on the rise, and it can be confusing to choose the right system for you. If you want an online booking portal that will work for your business, it’s helpful to examine feedback from those who have used it before – especially those in a similar industry.

GetApp Category Leaders reports are to help small businesses evaluate which software products may be right for them. Moreover, GetApp extrapolates its findings from the reviews and opinions of individual software users.
GetApp is an independent comparison and review site that enables businesses to research and review software providers. While it’s great to explore possible providers from comprehensive software lists, a run of poor reviews could mean disaster for a company. As an independent company, GetApp publishes the good, the bad and the ugly feedback – regardless of whether a business chooses to pay for sponsorship.

Meeting the Needs Of Dance Studios and Schools

Dance studios can come in several types. It could be a dance school with scheduled classes, space for professional use or a combination of both with the potential to host visiting tutors and professional dancers. 

With the multitude of requirements that different dance studios and schools have, SimplyBook.me is dedicated to keeping the management of bookings and business simply for everyone. 

Some of the most commonly required features for dance studios are below:

  • Classes Scheduling
  • Membership
  • Packages
  • Product & Service Add-ons
  • Intake Forms / Client Fields
  • Online Payments
  • Instagram Photo Sharing
  • Multiple Locations
  • Coupons & Gift Cards
  • Custom Domain
  • Point of Sale (POS)
  • Service Categories

All of these features are available on the SimplyBook.me system, as well as dozens more that could be beneficial to your dance studio.

How we got there

Get App has a specific method for allocating a spot in the top five providers on their review site. To be considered for this top spot, the following criteria are essential.

  • Has at least 20 unique product reviews published on GetApp within two years of the research start process for the report. Two years of reviews provide a sample that is large enough and recent enough to researching potential clients. It is also set low enough to ensure rising newcomers can be represented.
  • Achieves a minimum normalised rating in each of the five key areas. After applying the Category Leaders method for normalising and weighting review recency.
  • Shows evidence of offering required functionality as demonstrated by publicly available sources, such as the vendor’s website.
  • Serves North American users, as demonstrated by product reviews submitted from that region.
  • Relevant to software buyers across industries or sectors. No “niche” solutions catering exclusively to a specific type of user. Determined by our analysis of user reviews or market research.

The fifteen providers listed have the highest ratings in the dance studio software sector compared to their market competitors. GetApp used multiple data sources, including approved user reviews, public data sources, and data from technology vendors. 

The omission of some of our notable competitors make us think SimplyBook.me is doing something right.

For more information on how the results were generated, you can check out the GetApp methodology.

More From SimplyBook.me & Dance Studio Scheduling 

As the world reawakens from its enforced hibernation, entertainment and group activities will once again be in demand. That could be practice space for professionals or group classes. Joining a class over video chat just isn’t the same, and who has room at home for a proper dance practice? So we want to do everything we can to support the dance studios in their scheduling efforts and business management.

Moreover, we want our professional dancers back in practice when theatres and other performance venues are back in everyday use.+

We like to talk to our clients to find out what is working for them and what we could do better. Our focus has been firmly on the medical sector while COVID shut down half the world’s businesses. However, we can now pay significantly more attention to clients’ needs whose businesses are coming back to life, including dance studios and classes. 

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