Business Mobile Admin App: Whenever or Wherever You Are.

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Are you using a mobile app to stay on top of your business schedule? If not, why not? Managing your business doesn’t mean you have to be tied to a desk for fear of missing out. You know the tools exist to help you streamline and simplify your life; the system is one of them. When we introduced the mobile admin app a year ago, we knew it would be something extraordinary. Since then, we have continued updating and expanding the app’s functionality and features to give the best possible mobile management experience.
A Mobile App for your Scheduling Needs
Sure, to use the mobile admin app, you need to sign up with Otherwise, you don’t have an account to store all of your data. However, aside from significant changes and the initial set up, you can manage your day-to-day business scheduling from the convenience of a smartphone. Whether that’s Android or Apple is up to you, both options are available from Google Play or the App Store.
Mobility, Flexibility and Efficiency In An App
It’s your business, and whether you’re the sole operator or manage a team of service providers, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening – Even if you aren’t one of the primary providers.
When you have done the sign-up process and set your booking website how you want it, your bookings, cancellations, and clients are all manageable from the app. That’s all good if you are the only provider, but what about when you have multiple providers offering different services at different times? Sure, you might want to see an overview of your business’ workload and how busy people are. However, surely you don’t need to be notified of every appointment; your phone app would never stop (if you’re lucky) – but you still want to get your particular notifications.
When you install the mobile app on your smartphone, you used the same login credentials as you use on the browser you used to set up your account. Probably some version of User: Admin and your password. Now, if you have set up multiple user accounts on your interface, with different access levels for each of your users, they will also have specific login details. Each provider can download the app and log in using the credentials you have assigned to them.
This way, each provider gets only the appointment notifications that apply to them specifically.
Expanding the Admin Mobile App Functionality
We knew our first release wouldn’t be the all singing and dancing management tool we wanted to provide. So we immediately started improving on it. One of the first modifications we implemented was the notification settings. Not every notification needed to arrive directly in the app. Management didn’t need to know about every single alteration or booking made – that would be tiresome.
Another quick update to the admin app was the ability for users to change passwords.
The best way to maintain security is to ensure people select their own strong passwords. You can’t do that if they are stuck with the password you assigned to them.
Shortly after, the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, and all of our efforts created safe ways for people to continue in their businesses without fear of spreading the infection around. One of the functions to arise from that time was the ticketing feature, which links directly into the mobile app. The clients receive a scannable code in their email confirmation, and the mobile app includes a code scanner for contact-free validation.
Later updates include calendar view improvements, additional filtering options and search parameters.
More recently, we integrated both Intake Forms and Client Fields into the app. The associated filtering options have thoroughly enhanced the mobile app’s functionality. Creating an excellent mobile management experience.
Going Forward…
We’re by no means finished with the mobile admin app. As long as we keep expanding the provision of, we will continue to develop all the necessary day-to-day functions your business needs on the mobile app.