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Friday Feature: Custom CSS – Customising Your Booking Website [VIDEO]

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While has over 15 different themes to choose from, there might be little bits of your chosen website that need the personal touch. Using the Custom CSS feature means you have even more control over your website’s appearance.

Why would you customise our themes?

Although there is plenty of room to choose an appropriate theme and customise it to your needs, you just might want that little bit extra. Do you have an established business with a logo and a defined colour-scheme? What about your recognised layouts and text fonts? Maybe you want to move text-fields and images around so that your business is getting the best representation possible.  Using the custom CSS function allows you greater flexibility in maintaining your online branding and keeping your business uniform through the various online channels.


What can you do with CSS?

You’ve chosen a theme, and you have the perfect layout, but you can’t get the colours to cooperate, or the font is all wrong for your brand identity. Get out your CSS coding skills and go to it. If you look at the examples below, you can see what you can do with CSS coding that the standard theme parameters will not let you adjust.

The original

The first image is an example of your beauty salon booking page with the theme parameters at their most customised. But this is not what you want for your business. You’ve played with the theme customisation as much as it will let you, but you just don’t think it’s right.

Custom CSS original


Change number 1

Maybe the colours are too muted, and you want to change the colour-scheme around so that it has panache and pizazz to draw the attention and the eye. You want the blurb about Beauty Factory to be bolder, and in a different font. You want your clients to see what your business is about. Do you really need to explain that one column is opening hours and another is contact details – as if the email address didn’t give it away? Let remove those headers, change some fonts, adjust the colours and textbox placements, and voilá!


Change Number 2

However, maybe you’re going the wrong way. What you want to do is make the colours more muted. You want to leave less space on the screen – maybe to make it easier to see on a mobile or tablet. Do you want to change the business name titles? Not a problem. Move the text fields around so that your customers see your business description first.

And you’ve finished!

Behold the techno-wizardry and magic that the Custom CSS Feature can create. With this customisation, you can guarantee that no one else will have an identical booking website to you.

If you’re not familiar with Custom CSS coding

If you aren’t familiar with coding for websites in CSS code you might want to find someone who can help you. We don’t recommend trying it yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you have any friends or relatives with a bit of coding experience, you might want to tap them for a favour – offer a freebie if they help you out. Alternatively, you can find some help online, via freelancer marketplaces.

If you really can’t find anyone to help you out with the CSS coding, you could try and learn it for yourself; there are dozens of websites with tips for newbie coders. However, seeing as is here to make life easier for you and your business, you can always contact our support team and ask them to pass on your request to the developers.

Custom CSS is not just for the outward appearance

You know that you can customise how your website looks with the custom CSS feature, but did you know you can also change how it works? You can install tracking code into your booking pages so that you can track your visitors’ actions and how long they stay on your pages. Have you heard of Facebook Pixel that helps to focus your Facebook advertising campaigns? You can input that code on the custom CSS editor too.

With a little help from your friends (or from our support team) you can build a customised booking website that genuinely reflects your business.

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