Home Business, Product & Tool Tips Video Appointment Scheduling with SimplyBook.me and Gruveo [VIDEO]
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Video Appointment Scheduling with SimplyBook.me and Gruveo [VIDEO]

Amie Parnaby
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Video appointment scheduling

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As Covid-19 causes havoc across the globe, any service business that can, should make a switch to supporting clients remotely. When you usually have a full schedule of meetings and appointments, you need to ensure that you can use video appointment scheduling effectively.  SimplyBook.me partners exceptionally with Gruveo to facilitate scheduled video calls.

Keeping your clients close despite social distancing

Personal coaching, education and training, business meetings, and so much more can be achieved with video appointment scheduling.
A personal trainer with no gyms open? (as they are closed in many places) Why not set up video training sessions for exercising at home?
School closures? Create a virtual online classroom with group call schedules to continue the education the students need. Alternatively, you might want to set up parent/teacher calls so that parents know how to maintain their child’s learning at home.

Business meetings? For many of us, work continues, but we still have to keep our distance. Financial advice, meetings with solicitors, and several more instances of essential business meetings can happen through video conferencing. You can share sensitive documentation through secure channels, and everyone can get in on the meeting as necessary – and no one has to worry about shaking hands and sharing infected airspace with colleagues.

Counselling, personal support, life coaching; they are all services that can be achieved through video calling. Whether you want to continue with this remote service later or not; right now, your clients need your help and support so you should do it in the way that will keep everyone safe.

When it’s all over

When the crisis surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic is over, maybe you will continue to use video conferencing to expand your reach beyond your physical location. Perhaps you might find that you have more to offer than your current service list would suggest.

They say that “necessity is the mother of invention”, so when video appointment scheduling has become a necessity, you might find that you invent new ways to engage and provide services for your clients. The possibilities are here for your business.

Video Meetings with SimplyBook.me & Gruveo (or how to maintain client contact in times of crisis)
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